February 5, 2006

Purpose of life

Posted by Bizaholic | 10:40 PM | , with 2 comments »

What is the purpose of life? This is one question that is constantly ringing in my mind for sometime. I, like a trapped bird, am unable to resolve this dilemma. Frankly speaking I’m not enjoying my work that I do for a living. And this annoyance with my work has forced me to ask what the purpose of life is?

Work seems so dull these days. Same old reports, same old people, same olds routine stuff. Life seems to be devoid of any challenge. On the other hand I’m getting paid a decent sum of money to do this monotonous work. Is money the end? I don’t think so. Despite earning a decent sum of money I’m feeling unhappy. Sometimes I feel I’m wasting my time and talent in doing things I don’t enjoy doing. But on the other side there is a distraction called monetary security.

I'm a creative person. I like to conceptualize new things and create new realities. I like to dream. I like to plan. I like to be in the thick of real action. I like to break rules and established practices. I like to travel the road less traveled. I like to explore. I like to write. I like to challenge the status quo. I like to be a free soul. I like to be a beacon of originality. I want to change the way business is done. I want to make a difference to the world around me. I want to leave my footprints on the sand of time.

But am I able to do what I like doing? No. My day begins with daily drudgery and ends with it. At the end of the day I feel that I had hardly done any value addition to my skills and talent. A sense of emptiness is there. There is a feeling that I am missing out the real excitement of life and the joy of living it. And in these moments of agony I feel like tossing my job and all the security built around it to immerse myself in my true calling. But somehow this emotional and mental turmoil is not reaching the critical mass to throw me out into the orbit and to the point of no return. Or may be I am not yet sure what my true calling is. Whatever may be the case but the process is frustrating and agonizing.

And the search goes on for finding the purpose of my life.


  1. kb // February 17, 2006 at 1:19 AM  

    Moreover, when God gives any man wealth and possessions, and enables him to enjoy them, to accept his lot and be happy in his work—this is a gift of God. He seldom reflects on the days of his life, because God keeps him occupied with gladness of heart.

  2. Anonymous // March 6, 2006 at 8:36 PM  

    It happens with every enlightened soul in this company....Nothing unusual, quite normal indeed..Try to change....Things will change and the eternal delimmas will intrigue u much less. ur creativity will put right questions
    (other than Chiken egg paradoxes).
    By the way nice Blog.